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“Whatever you can do,

or dream you can, begin it.

Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.

Begin it now.”
- Göethe


You have discovered my website for a reason.
There are no coincidences in the spirit realm. Everything happens in Divine timing.

Are you looking for understanding, compassion, support,
someone to facilitate discovering a new path? 

I am here to guide you through life’s most complex and difficult times,
to be a supportive part of your journey, to expand your personal power,
to give you tools to create the reality you want.

Please explore the services I offer, to find what fits best for you.

Empowerment Coaching

My private practice is focused on creating transformational states in my clients.
I teach you tools and techniques geared toward your self-empowerment.
This allows you to move forward in your life with more confidence and personal power. We will work on breaking through old blockages and
behavior patterns which no longer serve you. 

I focus on a holistic approach, addressing the mind, body and spirit, as well as your emotional life, to discover the cause of the issue. 
I give you ways to heal or overcome the obstacles in your way. 
Sometimes you need to tear down the old building
before construction can begin on the new one replacing it.
Sometimes it just needs a remodel!
We will discover what you need and I will guide you in making those changes.

In doing this work for over 30 years, I find Spirit directs me into people’s lives when they are going through big life transitions, re-evaluating their current state of being,
or seeking guidance as to the next path or direction to take.

Is this you?

My practice centers around three main areas:


Spiritual Empowerment Coaching

Feeling lost?

Not sure what to do next?

Frustrated with traditional therapy?

I am an alternative to the mainstream.


My spiritual empowerment coaching is tailored to your specific needs, offering you guidance and transformational tools as you journey through big life transitions and challenging times.

You will experience significant positive change in your life and expansion of your personal power.

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Psychic and Intuitive Guidance

I use my innate psychic gifts and intuitive insight to guide you through your current life challenges, always coming from a place of caring support. 

Sincere, direct and honest.

I believe you deserve to be treated with respect, honoring your life path without judgement, and speaking the truth to you with love.

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Wisdom from Your 
Spirit Guides

You are not alone on your life path. All of you have Spirit Guides.


Their goal is to help you grow and become a fuller expression of your True Self, to find your Light.

I communicate with your Spirit Guides, sharing the wisdom of their channeled messages to guide and support you on your spiritual path.

It's like having your own inner circle access to the Spirit Realm!


I believe global transformation comes through empowering individuals.

All governments, corporations, and organizations are composed of individuals. Create personal empowerment and transformation within the individuals, the larger societal structures will transform as well.

Your empowered self impacts every aspect of your life.

You create a better world for yourself and those around you,
thus raising the resonance of your reality,
and the planet’s vibrational frequency.

~Kenn Lyon

Meditate at the beach

"Kenn Lyon, was referred to me by a dear friend that was Kenn's client, then became a friend of 30+ years. That's what happens when you start working with Kenn on a spiritual level. He soon becomes a trusted person that can teach you how to listen to the universe, to spirit, to yourself!! I am a 73 year young woman who did just that! Being "LOST" & "STUCK"  in a great job BUT no longer finding Joy. 🤔 After a relatively short time of sessions with Kenn I am a much- MUCH more positive person!!!!!  I am no longer "Lost" or "Stuck". I now believe in the Joy of life ---- & the Joy in My Life ❤️ each day. Thank You Kenn (with 2 n's). I look forward to what lies ahead. 🤗🙏😇

~Jeanette in California


Contact me and let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual empowerment together.
Your transformation starts today!

Thanks for submitting!

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