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Meet kenn lyon

Spiritual Empowerment Coach

I specialize in:

Spiritual Empowerment Coaching

Intuitive Psychic Guidance

Channeled Spirit Guide Communication

My Story

From a young age I realized I was blessed with a gift that enabled me to see and sense things others could not. This connection to the unseen kept me tethered to the Divine.


As I grew, I sought out teachers to expand my knowledge and experience, I was guided to the realms of Reiki Energy Healing, Metaphysics, Buddhism, Wiccan/Earth Magic, and Native American Shamanism. 


I am able to communicate with your Spirit Guides, using their insight and my innate psychic abilities,

to bring forth awareness, healing and empowerment through loving guidance, to teach you how to open to your own spiritual potential.


If you are at a crossroads in your life, going through a big transition, or a considering a new path

you are in the right place. Spirit guides me into people’s lives during these times. Whatever you’re going through, I‘m here to help you find your way forward.


Dedicated to healing and empowering others, my life's purpose revolves around offering Spiritual Empowerment Coaching and Intuitive Psychic guidance to ignite positive transformations in you.


I’m a successful Spiritual Empowerment Coach, a Reiki Master/Teacher,  and intuitive psychic healer located in the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm now offering my services virtually around the world. 


For more than 30 years, I have guided hundreds of people by harnessing divine energy with the intention of healing and empowering you, to help you find your voice, and to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.


I can do the same for you as I have done for so many others. I offer courses, one-on-one sessions, group coaching and workshops. Please explore this website and sign up for more information. 

I'm also on TikTok and Instagram with the profile name: kennlyonroars

My YouTube channel is: Lyon Roars

Your spiritual healing journey can begin today. Please let me know what challenges you are facing and let's see how we can begin working together to create lasting change. 


In Loving Spirit,

Kenn Lyon

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